With the support of grants from both the Police and Crime Commissioner and our CWAC Councillors, the Parish Council used funds from the Precept to purchase four interactive speed signs for the village. Data is stored 24 hours a day which records vehicle speeds both on their approach to the signs and at the point of passing the signs. This data is sent, on a monthly basis, to the Police and also to Cheshire West Highways department. It shows roughly a third of all traffic travels over 40 mph in our 30 mph zones.
The first two signs were purchased and positioned at Station Road and the Parish Rooms in August 2018. In November 2018 they were moved to Milton Rough and Acton Lane. Once we had a comparison of speed data at all four of sites, the Parish Council decided to move them permanently to Station Road and Milton Rough in February 2019, and to purchase a third sign for the Parish Rooms (March 2019). A fourth sign for Acton Lane was installed in December 2020.