Acton Bridge Community Resilience Plan

The Parish Council has discussed the responsibilities and actions that may arise from a serious or emergency event in the Village and the need to render support.  For example, the response to the floods in January although the responsibility of the Leading Local Flood Authority (CW&C) brought to light the necessity for local supporting actions and assistance, from residents, to the affected people.  To this end the Parish Council has liaised with CW&C to begin the development of an all-embracing Acton Bridge Community Resilience Plan for possible situations that could occur, e.g. flooding, extreme weather, a major transport incident, etc. 

The Plan will hold data that allows potential assistance, of all kinds, to be rendered after an event.  The anticipated skills and services are open ended but would contain such items as, the provision of equipment to remove a fallen tree from a road, to such as, the temporary provision of a building (i.e. the Parish Rooms) or accommodation for people or animals.

The Plan in no way attempts to take the place of the responsibilities or roles of the designated bodies or first responders but will collate information on skills and services from within the Acton Bridge community which could be called upon should the need arise.  The Parish Council are also keen to hear from businesses as well as individuals.

Please consider whether you could provide a service or equipment in an emergency in the future.  If you could do so, please complete the short form by using the link  include details of any costs involved with your services. If you have more than one skill or service to offer, please show this by completing more than one section of ‘What skill or service can you provide?’