Date: 02 March 2023
Reference Number: 6062
A fraudulent Cheshire plumber who preyed on pensioners to fund his cocaine habit has been given an eight-month custodial sentence.
Christopher Hankey, 43, of Oak Lane, Cuddington, previously pleaded guilty to fraudulent trading at Chester Magistrates Court in February.
Hankey was a self-employed plumber who would take up-front payments but fail to undertake the jobs required.
He also cold called residents, falsely stating that plumbing parts had been recalled, seeking money for the replacement parts in advance and claiming that the supplier would reimburse the cost.
In this case, many of the complainants were retired, with an age range of between 68 and 85.
When interviewed, Hankey admitted the offences, saying he was using the money for his cocaine habit which was costing him between £120 and £160 a day.
The Council’s Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Environment, Highways and Strategic Transport, Councillor Karen Shore said: “Another successful outcome for our Public Protection Service and Legal team.
“This case shows that we will pursue those who take money from residents for poor or unfinished work, protecting both residents and the reputation of the vast majority of Cheshire West and Chester traders who do the best for their customers.”
When sentencing HHJ Thompson said: “It seems to me that you chose some of these victims because you had previously gained their trust and there has been an element of targeting, it can’t be a coincidence that they are elderly. “You are a deeply dishonest individual and these are particularly nasty offences.”