Hi friend
As part of the Big Help Out, can you help us build a nationwide picture of the health of our hedgerows?
Hedgerows are the vital stitching in the patchwork of our countryside. Not only are they beautiful, with shifting seasonal colours, but they also provide homes and corridors for wildlife. And all the while they help tackle the climate crisis by capturing carbon.
How you can get involved
Hedgelife Help Out is a family-friendly volunteering opportunity and you don’t have to travel far to take part! Between now and 31 May, simply find a hedge near you and answer a few questions about it by clicking on the button below.

Your results matter!
We will use the information you gather to build up a picture of hedgerows around the country. It’ll help show how diverse our hedgerows are and how they make countryside and urban places more beautiful.
Did you know that this year National Hedgerow Week takes place 8-14 May? So that’s another good reason to get out into your local countryside or green space and show support for our hedgerows!
You can also use our ‘A little rough guide around the hedges’ to help you identify the different hedgerow plants you might spot.
We look forward to seeing your hedgelife results!
Best wishes,
Cat Rowland
Digital Engagement Officer | CPRE The countryside charity