A message from John Dwyer, Police & Crime Commissioner for Cheshire:
It’s at this time of year that attention turns towards setting the police budget for the coming financial year, and I’m getting in touch today to let you know that I have set up a survey for Cheshire residents to tell me about their priorities and their views on the police precept.
The survey can be completed here: www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/policebudget202324
I know that people will have questions about what the budget and any proposed precept increase would mean for them too, so I have set up an FAQs page on my website here as well: https://www.cheshire-pcc.gov.uk/what-the-commissioner-does/setting-the-police-budget/budget-2023-24/
Please do let me know if you require any paper copies of the survey or any assistance with accessibility requirements.
The backdrop this budget is being set against is undoubtedly more challenging than last year. I know that the cost of living is affecting families and businesses and it’s no different for the police too, with inflation adding nearly £14 million to our costs. The Constabulary has worked hard to identify savings through priority-based budgeting and has managed to close the funding gap by £6.7 million.
Despite these challenges, there is a real determination to protect the progress made over the past year and in recent months, including reductions in 101 and 999 call answer times, reductions in attendance times for both emergency and non-emergency incidents, and an increase in arrest and charge rates.